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This problem arises due to improper blood circulation and improper functioning of Liver and Pancreas.
Tip No.1:
Kiss miss (dry grapes) : 32 Nos.
Anjeer : 2 Nos.
Kharjuir :2 Nos.
Soak the above in one glass water overnight and take early in the morning.
Benefits: Blood quantity increases, circulation improves.
Tomato : 2Nos
Carrot : 1 No.
Beet root : half
Make juice of above and add candy sugar.
Blood quantity increases and wanted hair grows.
Tip No.2:
Gunta galagara aku : 100gms
Usirika : 100 gms
Black til :100 gms
Atimadhuram : 100 gms
Add 1600 gm water and prepare kashaayam till 400 gms remains. Filter it and add 400 gms til oil (nuvvula noone), boil it on SIM till the oil remains.
Apply oil one hour before bath or before sleep to the parts where hair needs to grow (moustache, beard).
Can apply for head also.
Tip No.3:
i) Matsyasana
In Sanskrit "Matsya" means 'fish'. If you attain this posture in water, you will be able to float just like a fish with out any support of your hands or legs.
1. Sit in padmasana and make the feet lock properly.
2. Your knees should be touching the ground.
3. Lean back slowly, taking the support of your elbows.
4. Lie flat on your back.
5. Bring back both your hands and place them near the head with palms resting on the floor.
6. Place the palms under the corresponding shoulders.
7. Taking the support of your palms and knees, push your chest and abdomen up.
8. Raise your hips, back and shoulders from the ground.
9. Arch your spine and now bend your head and neck backward to the maximum limit.
10. Try to place the crown of your head perpendicular to the floor.
11. Remove the support of your hands.
12. Bring the hands forward to hold the upper thighs.
13. Increase the arch of your body with the help of your elbow for support.
14. Extending your hands further now grasp the big toe of the opposite legs and form a lock with the thumb, index and middle finger.
15. Remain in this posture for 10 seconds.
16. Take deep breaths rhythmically.
17. Release your toes and slowly return to padmasana posture.
"Sarva" means 'all' and "Anga" means 'part' in Sanskrit. This pose exercises the entire body, hence the name.
1. Lie down on the floor on your back, legs together and arms on the sides.
2. Turn the palms down.
3. Relax your body and continue normal breathing.
4. Press your palms and elbows on the floor and raise your legs up making an angle of 90 degrees with the floor.
5. Inhale as you raise your legs.
6. Exhale and while exhaling move your legs towards your head and push your hips and lower back so that they are raised above the ground.
7. Place your palms on the hips and push your trunk and legs up.
8. Move your palms higher up the trunk and keep raising your legs and hips upwards, till the whole trunk is above the ground.
9. Bring the legs back to a vertical position.
10. Support your body with the palms placed on the ribs and elbows and forearm resting on the ground.
11. Sliding the palms higher on the trunk push the hip and back further up so that they are aligned with the legs.
12. At this point, only the head, neck and shoulders should be on the floor.
13. Push your face down and chest up to form a chin lock.
14. Balance your body in this position.
15. Fix your gaze on the big toes of your feet.
16. Inhale and exhale rhythmically and remain in this posture for as long as you can.
17. Slowly return to the starting position in the reverse order.
18. Inhale deeply and exhale slowly a few times.
19. Continue breathing normally.
20. Relax your body by performing Savasana.
iii)Shupta Vajrasana
"Supta" means 'reclining' and "Vajra" means 'adamant' in Sanskrit. In this posture the yoga practitioner will be lying down in a supine position in Vajarasana.
1. Sit erect and assume Vajrasana.
2. Lean back slowly from the waist onwards using your elbows for support.
3. Continue leaning back until your back, shoulders and head are touching the floor.
4. Ensure that the knees are not raised from the floor.
5. Cross the arms behind your head.
6. Place the palms beneath the opposite shoulders.
7. Your head should rest on the wrists which serve as a cushion.
8. The knees should be joined together and touching the floor at all times.
9. Close your eyes and relax in this posture for some time.
10. For coming out of the pose hold your ankles and lift the body up to sitting posture.
iv) Chakrasana
"Chakra" means 'wheel' in Sanskrit. In the final posture of this pose the arched body resembles the rim of a wheel. Hence the name Chakrasana or Wheel Pose.
1. Lie down on your back with both legs apart.
2. Stretch both arms on either side with palms facing downward.
3. Fold both knees and draw the legs back.
4. The heels should be touching the respective buttocks. Both soles should be touching the ground.
5. Bring your hand backwards and place the hands beside the head. The palms should be facing downwards.
6. The palm and heel of each side should be in one straight line.
7. Inhale slowly.
8. Continue inhaling and press the palms and hand on the ground.
9. Taking the support of the hands and legs, raise your shoulder, chest, abdomen, hips and thighs above the ground.
10. The neck and back should be arched with the crown of your head resting firmly on the ground.
11. Exhale and inhale a few time while at this position.
12. Take a deep breath.
13. Press your feet and palms on the ground while holding your breath.
14. Taking the support of your hands and feet, slowly raise your head, shoulders, trunk, abdomen, hips and thighs to the optimum level.
15. Your head should be hanging in between your shoulders.
16. Make sure the elbows are not bent.
17. Try to arch the body as much as possible.
18. Hold your breath and stay in this position for about ten seconds.
19. Exhaling gradually, bring the lower part of your body down and return to the starting position.
v) Activation of Agna and Throat chakra
Take breakfast/meals before 10 A.M. and after 8 PM in the night. Sleep before 10 PM and wake up by 4 AM.
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